About IRCDL 2025
Since 2005, the Italian Research Conference on Digital Libraries (IRCDL) has been an annual event for researchers on Digital Libraries and related topics. IRCDL has become a key forum on digital libraries and associated issues. It covers various aspects, including new forms of information institutions, digital content management, and theoretical models of information media. The conference welcomes participants from academia, government, industry, and other sectors. It draws from diverse research areas such as computer science, digital humanities, information science, librarianship, archival science, museum studies, technology, social sciences, cultural heritage, and humanities. This year's conference features two tracks: one on Computer Science Foundations for Digital Libraries, and another focused on Digital Humanities.
Submissions are welcome concerning theory, architectures, data models, tools, services, infrastructures. A list of possible topics (but not limited to) for the conference is the following:
- Open data
- Open science: models, practices, mandates, and policies
- Information retrieval and access
- Information extraction from tables and figures in scientific literature
- Application of machine learning techniques to research data and digital libraries
- Ontologies
- Knowledge discovery and representation in digital libraries
- Knowledge acquisition from scientific papers
- Document analysis (layout, text, images)
- Services for digital arts and humanities
- Cultural heritage access and analysis
- Metadata (definition, management, curation, integration)
- Digital manuscript analysis
- Data repositories and archives
- Data citation, provenance and pricing
- Data and information lifecycle (creation, store, share and reuse)
- Semantic web technologies and linked data for DLs
- Digital epigraphy
- Digital preservation and curation
- Quality and evaluation of digital libraries
- Digital Scholarship
- Citation analysis and scientometrics
- Research infrastructures
- User participation
- Human-computer interaction and user experience
- Applications of digital libraries
- Multi-media handling
The 21st Conference on Information and Research Science Connecting to Digital and Library Science will feature two different tracks:
Track 1
Computer Science Foundations for Digital Libraries: Algorithms, Systems, and Applications
This track examines core computer science concepts essential for digital libraries. It covers algorithms for information retrieval and data management, system architectures for large-scale digital collections, and practical applications in areas such as academic research and cultural heritage preservation.
Special Issue
Published in International Journal on Digital Libraries.
Track 2
Digital Humanities: The Science and Foundation of Modern Humanities Libraries
This track explores the intersection of digital technologies and humanities research. It examines computational methods for analyzing and preserving cultural artifacts, text mining techniques for large-scale literary analysis, and digital platforms for collaborative scholarship.
Special Issue
Published in Umanistica Digitale.
Authors of selected papers from the two tracks will be invited to submit extended versions of their work to the related special issue indicated above. Additional details about the special issues will be available soon.
Research papers, describing original ideas on the listed topics and on other fundamental aspects of digital libraries and technology, are solicited. Moreover, short papers on early research results, new results on previously published works, and extended abstract on previously published works are also welcome:
- Research papers: should be in the 10-12 pages range.
- Short papers: should be in the 6-7 pages range.
- Extended abstracts: should be 5 pages long.
For all the submission types the references are not counted in the page limit.
Submissions of research papers must be in English, single blind, in PDF format in the CEURART single-column format available either at Overleaf website or CEUR-WS repository (for the offline version):
The accepted submissions, including Long Papers, Short Papers, and Extended Abstracts will be published in the IRCDL 2025 Proceedings. The Proceedings will be published by CEUR-WS, which is gold open access and indexed by SCOPUS and DBLP.
Submission will be through the submission system at the following link:
Important Dates
Deadlines refer to 23:59 (11:59 PM) in the AoE (Anywhere on Earth) time zone
Submission deadline
December 6, 2024
Notification of acceptance
January 24, 2025
Camera-ready deadline
February 7, 2025
February 20-21, 2025
Detailed program (Rome timezone, GMT+1)
To be announced
To be announced
The team behind IRCDL 2025